domingo, 7 de octubre de 2012

CELL-FIX" catheter for infarct detection and cell delivery

"CELL-FIX" catheter for infarct detection and cell delivery.
J.C. Chachques, On behalf of the Multicenter "Cell-Fix " Evaluation Tria!. ' Cardiac Surgery División, Hospital "Pompidou", París, France
Drs. Chachques e Hidalgo.
Paris. Francia.
Background: New technologies for cell implantation derived from interventional Cardiology procedures are emerging. Intracoronary and endoventricular catheter-based cell delivery procedures for therapeutic angiogenesis and myogenesis have been performed. Nevertheless, the quantity of the cells injected in the target infarcted área is unknown, despite the use of myocardial mapping to identify the pathologic myocardium. The success is largely dependen! on many technical considerations namely the risk of cell "regurgítation" at the injection site and the precise localization of the post-ischemic scar and the peri-infarct áreas.
Methods: The new concept investigated consists in a diagnostic-therapeutíc electrode-catheter for local myocardial treatment. The "CELL-FIX" device (Fig. 1) is a percutaneous endoventricular system, including a method and apparatus to adhere by suction the catheter to the endocardium and to identify by electrophysiological methods the infarcted área.

La Italiana Baby Catadori y el
Dr Hidalgo en Paris, Francia.
Ella es Pionera de
Los Transpalntes de stem Cell en
su pais. Su belleza e inteligencia van
de la mano. Fuimos entrenados en
Paris. (Hospital Broussais-Hospital
Europeo Geroges Pompidou.)
Results: Current investigations confirm the possibility to perform simultaneous infarct detection and cell and/or growth factors delivery after fixing the scar by vacuum.

Conclusions: A new type of catheter for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes was developed. Preliminary data appear promising for accurate and effective infratted are^ detection and localized intramyocardial cell delivery. The vacuum system allows proper catheter positioning and complete cell implantation without any risk of releasing the cells outside the target zone.

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